Helen Tang, RPC, CHt, CMA

Helen Tang RPC, CHt, CMA

Surrey Counselling & Hypnotherapy



Couples & Marriage Counseling

Are you frustrated over the same argument with your partner?
Are you feeling sad and alone in your relationship?
Has your marriage been affected by an affair?

Relationships can be challenging at times, but no matter how hopeless you may feel at this moment, there is hope. Most relationship difficulties stem from people not having the proper tools.

Instead of spending your time agonizing and worrying about your relationship, you could be re-directing your energy towards building a more fulfilling and passionate relationship today. If you are hoping to:
  • Restore lost trust
  • Build closer connection
  • Resolve differences respectfully and peacefully
  • Reclaim your passion and intimacy
  • Learn better communication tools
  • Recover from an affair
  • Build a richer and more meaningful relationship

I can help. Take action to be one step closer to a more satisfying and fulfilling relationship. With your willingness and commitment, it is entirely possible to reignite your marriage and relationship. 

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Who I Work With?

You want to be in a loving and connecting relationship:

  • You have experienced a deep level of passion once upon a time and you want it back
  • You want to stop fighting so you can begin to heal from past wounds and get on with building a relationship that is loving, respectful and nurturing
  • You want to restore peace and harmony in your relationship so you can relax in the knowledge that you have a secure and supportive partnership

You are committed:  

You know there is no "magic bullet" and you are willing to commit your time and effort to put in the work. You want results and you are willing to work hard for it. 

You are open to new learning:  

The more you are open to new perspectives, insights and relationship skills, the more likely you will be able to achieve your vision of an intimate and satisfying relationship.

What Makes Me Different from Other Therapists?

Extensive Training in Relationship Therapy:  

Couples therapy is one of the most difficult forms of therapy. Not every therapist has the appropriate training and experience in helping distressed couples. With hundreds of hours of training in advanced marital therapy, I would love to assist you to turn your relationship around. The models of training I have received are Imago Relationship therapy, Emotionally Focused Therapy and Encounter Centred Couples Therapy. I am also a Certified Imago Relationship Therapist.

Over 60% of My Client Load is Couples:  

When you work with me, you are not working with a generalist. I am a specialist in couples counselling and I work with couples who come to me for a variety of different issues. You deserve someone who has the specialized background, training and experience to assist your relationship.

I am a passionate teacher:  

Relationship skills are not something we are born with. They are learned. Growing up, most people have never learned healthy ways of handling conflict and expressing themselves calmly, respectfully and honestly. I love teaching relationship and effective communication skills and have done so with couples, community groups and organizations.

My Personal Background & Experience:  

I have been married to my husband for 17 years and we use tools that I teach my clients regularly in our own relationship to connect and to resolve our differences. Every marriage has its ups and downs and ours is no exception, but having the tools by our side has given us much more confidence knowing that we have the skills to dissolve our differences. Over the years, the process of learning new skills and putting them into practice have brought us much closer. Practicing the skills within my own relationship has also helped me to assist my clients better as I have gained first hand knowledge as to how these skills can be used in real life.

There is no reason to prolong the pain and the suffering, as professional help is just around the corner. Most of us have never received formal training in the school of relationships. For the most part, these are not skills that you would just acquire automatically along the way.

Contrary to popular misconception, love alone is not enough, a good relationship takes effort and development of communication skills. Seeking help when you need it is not only a sign of strength, but is also a sign of wisdom and maturity. By applying complementary therapy approaches and techniques, I will help you to obtain insight, knowledge and acquire tools to build a more satisfying relationship. If you're looking for extra support and guidance through a challenging situation, I look forward to working with you to help you achieve your goals.

As a therapist who specializes in marriage and couples counselling, I offer powerful and effective tools to help you uncover the root cause of why your relationship is in distress and what you can do to turn it around.  

Don't let the anxiety and the uncertainty of starting something new get in the way of you seeking the help you need. Thinking about getting help is different from actually getting help, so take positive action today!

Schedule a Free Consultation or Therapy Session Today

You are worth the investment!  For a complimentary, no obligation, 20-minute phone consultation or to schedule a session, click on the "Contact Me" button on the right side, or reach me directly at 778.868.4094.

Contact / Email Helen   Schedule a Therapy Session 


Frequently Asked Questions about Couples & Marriage Counselling