Helen Tang, RPC, CHt, CMA

Helen Tang RPC, CHt, CMA

Surrey Counselling & Hypnotherapy

Create harmony & passion in your life and relationships


Individual Counselling

Is stress and anxiety taking a toll on you?  Are you struggling with emotional and physical pain?
 Individual Counselling 

Couples Counselling

Are you tired of conflicts in your relationships?  Do you want things to improve but don’t know how?  

 Couples Counselling 


Do you want to access inner power to overcome psychological barriers and live a better life? 


Sunny sky

Happy couple


Individual Counselling

If you are struggling with any of these issues below, there is hope! 

  • Relationship Challenges

You are in a relationship that is no longer fulfilling and you want to make it work.

  • Stress, Anxiety & Panic Attacks

You feel bogged down and stressed out and you desire more clarity, peace and joy in your life.

  • Depression

You feel sad, tired and hopeless and you wonder when you will feel happy again.

  • Communication Difficulties &
    Anger Management

You find yourself having trouble expressing yourself clearly and you feel frustrated. 

You realize that perhaps your communication style is pushing people away and you wish to learn better skills.

  • Infertility

You have been struggling with having a child and you may be experiencing an emotional roller coaster of frustration, sadness or even anger. You want to feel light and hopeful again.

  • Perfectionism and Being Self Critical

You are hard on yourself. You want to get away from the inner nagging voice that keeps telling you that you are not perfect enough. You want to be able to relax, have fun and enjoy life.


In a safe, gentle and compassionate environment, I support you to make the changes you want in life.   We will discover what fulfills your dreams of a life well-lived and a relationship well-loved.

Together, we'll be exploring your thoughts, behaviours and belief systems that may have contributed to your current struggle, so that you may gain insight into what stands as a roadblock between you and the inner harmony and happiness you seek.

You are worth the investment!  For a complimentary, 20 minute phone consultation, you can reach me directly at 778-868-4094.

 Learn More 

Couples Counselling

Does any of this sound familiar?

  • Overcoming an affair 

You may feel betrayed, hurt and devastated as the injured partner, or you may feel guilty and ashamed as the unfaithful partner.  You want to know how to recover and move forward from this painful place and be happy again.

  • Emotional distance and lack of intimacy.  

You are saddened by the growing distance between you and your partner. You want closeness and connection.

  • Poor communication.  

You both have your own unique perspectives and you can't seem to get to an agreement. You either fight about it or you give up in frustration. Nothing seems to get resolved.

  • Conflicting problem solving styles.

One of you wants to deal with issues as soon as they come up, the other prefers to sweep it under the rug.  Problems just keep piling up.


Let me show you how you can turn things around. Discover ways to recover from fights, heal old hurts, build connections and restore passion.

Even if you have been to other marriage counselling that haven't been successful, my unique approach that combines therapy, coaching and education can make a difference. 

Along with a specialized background in relationship counselling, I also have a keen ability to zoom in on the core issue below the surface. This means that often times I am able to help couples even when previous attempts at marriage counselling have failed.

Over 60% of my client load is couples. Marriage counselling is my specialty.  Take comfort in knowing that when you work with me, you are working with a specialist in the couples counselling field, not a generalist.

You don't have to do it alone. I can help stop the pain. Most couples who work at their relationships can succeed. Let me show you how you can restore hope, passion and turn things around. 

Take the first step and call me today at 778-868-4094 for a complimentary 20-minute phone session. 

 Learn More 


Hypnotherapy is safe, natural and effective and can offer you many benefits including the following:

  • Reducing fears & phobias
  • Better stress and anxiety management
  • Becoming more confident with public speaking
  • Relieving emotional and physical pain
  • Overcoming negative beliefs and past traumas
  • A calmer, more peaceful childbirth (HypnoBirthing)
  • Mind & body techniques to deal with infertility


Discover the power within and live the life you want! While some issues in life are straightforward, others are more in-depth. Instead of working simplistically by relieving the symptoms. I help you learn coping strategies as well as identify and address the root cause underneath the symptom to the core. 

This way of working is cleaner and more beneficial and creates lasting changes in the long run.

Part of the power and effectiveness of Hypnotherapy in the long run lies in the skillful application of therapy by the therapist.  

Hypnosis in and of itself accomplishes nothing without skillful and selective application.

This means that in order for Hypnotherapy to be effective, it requires the therapist to have an in-depth understanding of human psychology as well as possessing a wide range of therapeutic skills.


As a Registered Counsellor and a Clinical Hypnotherapist, I have a solid foundation of therapeutic skill sets which I use in combination with hypnosis while working with clients.

Instead of addressing your symptoms alone, I custom tailor my approach for you and your current challenges.

Your life is too precious to wait. If you want to initiate the change and live the life that you are meant to live, take the first step and call today:  778-868-4094.  

 Learn More 

Read Client Testimonials

What Is a Relationship?

Relationships are the cornerstone of our lives; our relationship with ourselves primarily, of course; the intimate relationships we share with those whom we love and our social relationships we share with those whom we work and play.  

Schedule a Free Consultation or Therapy Session Today

You are worth the investment!  For a complimentary, no obligation, 20-minute phone consultation or to schedule a session, click on the "Contact Me" button on the right side, or reach me directly at 778.868.4094.

Contact / Email Helen   Schedule a Therapy Session 

Photo credits (In order of appearance): FreeDigitalPhotos.net; samuiblue, stockimages, samarttiw