Helen Tang, RPC, CHt, CMA

Helen Tang RPC, CHt, CMA

Surrey Counselling & Hypnotherapy



Hypnobirthing for Expectant Parents

I teach HypnoBirthing courses to expectant parents.  The HypnoBirthing program is as much a philosophy of birth as it is a technique for achieveing a satisfying, relaxing, and gentle method of birthing.  This amazing program teaches you, along with your birthing companion, the art and joy of experiencing birth in a more comfortable manner.

You will learn how to call upon your body's own natural relaxants and thus lessen, or even eliminate, discomfort and the need for medication.  When a woman is properly prepared for childbirth and when mind and body are in harmony, nature is free to function in the same well-designed manner that it does with all moters in Nature.

Surrey HypnoBirthing, Helen Tang, RPC, MPCP, CHt, CMA

HypnoBirthing Course Highlights

  • How the mind and emotions affect the body
  • Why labour hurts and why it doesn't have to
  • Releasing fear, the enemy of labour
  • Preparing your mind and body for birthing
  • Reducing the need for artificial induction and episiotomy
  • Developing ultimate-depth relaxation
  • Understanding the stages of labour
  • Preparing your Birth Plan
  • Breathing your baby down for birth

The HypnoBirthing program is taught in five 2.5 hour weekly classes.  The course fee for the HypnoBirthing program is $395 per couple for group classes or $750 per couple for private sessions.

Fee includes:

  • Atteance for two people
  • The official HypnoBirthing book by Marie Mongan
  • The Rainbow Relaxation CD
  • The Birth Affirmations CD and
  • Class handouts

HypnoBirthing Class Schedule

For the current, most up-to-date class schedule, please visit:  www.HypnoBirthingVancouver.com

 Register Now for An Upcoming HypnoBirthing Course! 

Please Note:  If the above class schedules do not work for you, please contact me as I may be able to schedule additional group classes due to ongoing requests.  You can either call me at 778.868.4094 or email me for more information or to book your private or group HypnoBirthing course.  A minimum of three couples is required to hold the group class and each group is limited to a maximum of five couples.

Photo credit:  [Artisteer] Flickr/limaoscarjuliet