Helen Tang, RPC, CHt, CMA

Helen Tang RPC, CHt, CMA

Surrey Counselling & Hypnotherapy



Further Resources


Frequently Asked Questions about Couples & Marriage Counselling

How to Get the Most From Your Counselling

Effective Communication - The Power of Deep Listening

Non-Violent Communication - A Language of Life

The Heart of Non-Violent Communcation - Chapter 1



NVC - Compassionate Communication

Whole Family - Strengthen personal and family relationships

Raising kids who care - Parenting advice, articles and tips

Positive Parenting - Peace begins at home


Fertility Website Links

Acupuncture for Fertility - Acubalance Wellness Centre Vancouver, BC


HypnoBirthing Links

HypnoBirthing Vancouver - Resource Guide

Hypnobirthing Article - Vancouver Sun - Sept 7, 2008 "Self-Relaxation Exercises Help Expectant Moms Manage Labour Pain" (Acrobat PDF)*

Hypnosis for Birth - HypnoBirthing Program - Helen Tang

HypnoBirthing - The Mongan Method

Taking the Birthing World by Calm Video